In the streets of Paris

Respirer Paris, cela conserve l'ame. - Victor Hugo
With that said - Paris is and remains the city of pure inspiration. Especially when it comes to the topic of fragrance and senses. Accordingly, the city is part of our home. Part of our identity.
In July 2022, we successfully launched our 3rd fragrance. equality. [un]broken was created to break the unbroken silence and talk about fears. Harnessing the power of communication was the motivating factor behind our new creation. After the launch of our 3rd fragrance, we were drawn back to Paris this year. [un]broken, we were drawn back to Paris this year. It was time to gather new inspirations, organize thoughts, and meet people who touch us.
We met on our trip, special people, with whom we were allowed to spend time, who gave us insights into their lives and told us about themselves.