for me, the european elections in 2019 mark the starting point of equality.fragrances. at that time, there was a lot of media coverage on the growing strength of the right-wing parties. and it frightened me that hate and intolerance towards people’s origin, colour, race, culture, religion, gender and sexuality still exists.

thankfully there’s still more love than hate, and more openness than intolerance in thisworld. but as I experienced during the elections, this can sometimes be hard to believe. and even though a lot of people know it, or secretly hope for it, I wanted to find a simple way that reminded and encouraged them to live with love and not hate.
that’s when I had the idea for a perfume.
smell is one of the most powerful senses we have. it has the power to trigger memories and influence actions. it has the power to make us and everyone around us feel good. this is what equality is about.
equality. is not just a perfume but a statement. whoever wears it is part of a community that needs no words to understand what human values are all about.
so, open up, be unprejudiced, be human.
it’s on you.